Knowledge Hub

Muse Down Hall 579

Check out some of our latest insights into the happenings in the market and keep up to date with our current thinking.

Getting from A to B: Investment Governance

13 Dec 2021

Case studies

Recently we supported two clients to change their investment advisory arrangements. Both shared a similar goal in wanting to discharge their fiduciary responsibilities as effectively as they could, but both had different ideas about how to achieve this.

Trustee executive selection and board effectiveness review

13 Dec 2021

Case studies

This was a wide-ranging executive support and Trustee governance project for a complex multi-employer scheme, where the Trustee and the board had experienced challenging situations in recent years. It was time to move forward. The client formed a Working Group to liaise with us.

Strong foundations are not enough

20 Sept 2021


There is a lot of time spent in making sure transitions are effectively and successfully delivered, and rightly so. However, transition is only one part of the story; it is only the beginning.

How do schemes get the best from their administrator?

4 Aug 2021


The world of pensions administration has been through a rollercoaster over the past 18 months, but how do you ensure the performance of your administrator continues to meet the high standards you expect. We undertook some research into how Trustees and Sponsors approach administration oversight and have shared some key findings here.

How is TPR’s draft Code of Practice landing with trustees?

16 Jul 2021


We’ve been discussing the draft Code with clients and other Trustee contacts whilst we framed our response to TPR’s consultation. Here’s a sense of what trustees, pensions leads and people with risk roles we’ve spoken to have been making of it so far.

Competence and Integrity

5 Jul 2021


Competence and integrity are two capacities and values which are as vital as they are difficult to define. Here we try and define each, establishing why they are both equally important skills to have across a trustee boards.

KEM 96 1

Katherine Milton

Senior Consultant
ADC 28

Adrian Cooper

Head of Market Engagement
BM 110 1

Barry Mack

DJ 323

Daniel Jacobson

Senior Consultant
TO 397

Tom Oakley

KJ 123 1

Kneale Jefferis

Antonella sferrino

Antonella Sferrino

Muse heads March 591

Liza Sinclair

Senior Consultant
EB 180 1

Emma Beard

Senior Consultant
TK 16 1

Tammy King

Head of People
HD 73 1

Hamida Dadd

File 4

Paul Armitage

ELR 359

Emma Rogers

Senior Consultant
DN 306

Danuta Nott

Business Support Manager
JF 57 1

Jo Fellowes

BD 49 1

Becca Downing

AB 78

Aliza Bashir

Rosanne Corbett

Rosanne Corbett

Mark dallaway

Mark Dallaway

Senior Associate
LH 144 1

Lindsay Hawkins

SH 541

Steve Hammer

Trustee Secretary

Robyn Cowan

RE 365

Reece Eley

PV 530

Pamjit Virdi

MH 550 1

Margs Harvey

Business Administrator
Alan S 329

Alan Simpson

Financial Controller
EE 1

Evalinde Eelens

Senior Associate
CW 392

Claire Wallis

HB 403

Hana Bailey

Senior Consultant
IM 380

Ian McQuade

Muse heads March 475

Robert Plumb

Senior Associate
Muse heads March 579 Edit

Geoff Francis

Senior Consultant

Cindy Dadier

Business Manager
KW 43 1

Katy Wilkinson

KSM 515

Kate Maloney

Client Director
AC 335

Amanda Cullen

Senior Associate

Helping Trustees and Companies to better govern their pension schemes

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