The draft TPR Code through the looking glass
4 Jun 2021
MusingsAt over 150 pages, what can trustees make of the TPR draft Code of Practice? We’ve been looking at it in detail for our consultation response, but rather than re-writing War and Peace we thought we’d share two thoughts from our own response.
New risk management requirements: are you ready?
18 May 2021
MusingsIORP II requires schemes to meet new risk management requirements that are now in TPR's new Code of Practice.
TES-ting times
5 May 2021
MusingsWe are now moving optimistically into the brighter, warmer weather of the spring and summer, the lockdown slowly lifting. While we all look forward to enjoying the lighter evenings and the re-opening of restaurants and pubs, in the pensions arena there is still a lot of work to be done.
People risks and why managing them better pays dividends
31 Mar 2021
MusingsThe hydra-headed impact of Covid-19 on pension schemes has placed strains on the people involved in running them. Now ‘the urgent’ work has been dealt with and more time is being spent again on ‘the important’. Which brings us onto people risks, and with the lockdown hopefully easing, making sure we come out stronger.
As if by magic the Easter Bunny brings a new TPR Code!
25 Mar 2021
MusingsTPR has published the single Code of Practice for consultation which is open until 26 May. Recharged with chocolate we’ll be reading the 149 pages in more detail and having a go at TPR’s consultation questions after Easter and will update you as needed on what to look out for and practical pointers.
Updating investment governance approaches
4 Nov 2020
Case studiesThe feedback we received showed that we were appointed partly because the client thought we had fully listened to their issues and to what they were seeking to achieve and demonstrated that in our suggested scope and approach.
Helping Trustees and Companies to better govern their pension schemes
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