Knowledge Hub

Muse Down Hall 579

Check out some of our latest insights into the happenings in the market and keep up to date with our current thinking.

De-risking administration

3 Sept 2020


Take a minute to check out our brief thoughts on how to manage administration risk in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Trustee ways of working in a Covid-19 world

5 Aug 2020


As all of us continue to adapt and improve how we work remotely it helps to share experiences and tips. Here are some recent perspectives from the many trustees and pensions teams we regularly talk to.

Is your board diverse and inclusive - what helps?

3 Aug 2020


The term ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ is often thrown around but what does it actually mean? Of course, it can mean different things to everyone but check out what it means to us!

Don’t let the urgent crowd out the important - Key person risk and succession planning

16 Jul 2020


Succession planning is sometimes an uncomfortable subject, but the Coronavirus crisis acts as wake up call for pension schemes to look at plans for an organised succession for key senior posts and to develop emergency backup plans on the trustee board, in the executive, and with key suppliers.

Don’t let the urgent crowd out the important - Trustee decision-making and governance post lockdown

2 Jul 2020


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge effect on all industries, literally all. Pensions trustees have had to adapt to this new world with very little warning. So where do we go from here and what governance lessons can be learned?

Don’t let the urgent crowd out the important - How do you review and select advisers remotely?

2 Jun 2020


The immediate response to the outbreak of Covid-19 shifted priorities and a lot of the important projects suddenly became less so and were put on hold. With social distancing and home-working likely for the foreseeable future, those important projects are now due for reconsideration.

RE 365

Reece Eley

AB 78

Aliza Bashir

Antonella sferrino

Antonella Sferrino

Muse heads March 475

Robert Plumb

Senior Associate

Cindy Dadier

Business Manager
EE 1

Evalinde Eelens

Senior Associate
LH 144 1

Lindsay Hawkins

AC 335

Amanda Cullen

Senior Associate
BD 49 1

Becca Downing

BM 110 1

Barry Mack

JF 57 1

Jo Fellowes

Alan S 329

Alan Simpson

Financial Controller
HB 403

Hana Bailey

Senior Consultant
HD 73 1

Hamida Dadd

IM 380

Ian McQuade

Rosanne Corbett

Rosanne Corbett

TK 16 1

Tammy King

Head of People

Robyn Cowan

PV 530

Pamjit Virdi

CW 392

Claire Wallis

KEM 96 1

Katherine Milton

Senior Consultant
ADC 28

Adrian Cooper

Head of Market Engagement
File 4

Paul Armitage

TO 397

Tom Oakley

KW 43 1

Katy Wilkinson

DN 306

Danuta Nott

Business Support Manager
Muse heads March 579 Edit

Geoff Francis

Senior Consultant
Muse heads March 591

Liza Sinclair

Senior Consultant
DJ 323

Daniel Jacobson

Senior Consultant
KSM 515

Kate Maloney

Client Director
ELR 359

Emma Rogers

Senior Consultant
EB 180 1

Emma Beard

Senior Consultant
KJ 123 1

Kneale Jefferis

SH 541

Steve Hammer

Trustee Secretary
Mark dallaway

Mark Dallaway

Senior Associate
MH 550 1

Margs Harvey

Business Administrator

Helping Trustees and Companies to better govern their pension schemes

Get in touch today to find out how we can help.

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