Don’t let the urgent crowd out the important - Are you still making good decisions?
18 May 2020
MusingsCovid-19 has thrown up a lot of issues and a lot of urgent decisions have been made. But other things will have been forgotten. Is it now time to start thinking about the important as much as the urgent?
Don’t let the urgent crowd out the important - Administration
7 May 2020
MusingsThere has been a lot of material about the urgent administration issues that Covid-19 has thrown up, for example pensioner payroll, cashflow and death claims. Is It now time to start thinking about the important as much as the urgent?
Covid-19 – scheme governance risks to tie down
16 Mar 2020
MusingsIn light of how fast Covid-19 is moving, here are some practical points for pension teams and trustees to consider in their planning, as business will be disrupted.
Levelling up – is it doable?
14 Feb 2020
MusingsFollowing the government’s HS2 announcement you could say levelling up is also what TPR is doing on trusteeship and governance. TPR wants to see proof of good and proportionate governance, in a landscape with fewer schemes. Trustees will have to show they’re up to the job. They may need to exit if they can’t get up to speed.
TPR Guidance on Tendering for Fiduciary Management Services
8 Jan 2020
MusingsThe Pensions Regulator (TPR) has released its long-awaited guidance setting out approaches to comply with trustees’ duties to competitively tender fiduciary management appointments. We have collated our views on the guidance and shared our thoughts here.
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