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Muse Down Hall 579

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5 benefits of getting to grips with good governance

11 Dec 2023


Governance isn’t just for trustee boards – it’s the very essence of teamwork, leadership and effectiveness. But when we think of focusing on pension scheme governance, all too often it’s associated with fixing things that have already gone awry. It shouldn’t be like that. Governance is the cornerstone of effectiveness, good decision making and achieving objectives and it is the foundation of delivering good member outcomes

8 things to think about when setting your endgame objective

11 Dec 2023


Pension risk transfer, endgame, journey plan – a project by any other name would be just as complex! The LDI ‘incident’ left many schemes in a very different funding position, but funding alone isn’t enough to accelerate an insurance transaction. It’s a broad and complicated project that will need trustees, pension scheme managers, advisers, insurers and administrators to work together. Here’s some things to think about when setting your endgame objective.

Thoughts on the Trustee Skills Consultation

6 Oct 2023


The Pensions Regulator plans to overhaul the trustee toolkit and the accreditation process for professional trustees in a bid to ensure consistent high levels of scheme governance. As part of the Mansion House Reforms in July, The Department for Work and Pensions and HM Treasury issued a call for evidence on improving the skills, capability and culture of Trustee Boards. Here’s some of the key points our response covered

Cyber risk: It’s not ‘if’ it’s ‘when’

6 Oct 2023


Cyber-attacks have got close to home recently. While attacks were happening to the likes of the NHS and easyJet, the pensions industry had seemed to escape to a large extent. The events at Capita and with Progress Software’s MOVEit file transfer app, changed that. So, what lessons can we learn?

LDI: One Year On

6 Oct 2023


It feels like time has passed quickly since the gilt market movements a year ago. It has been a bumpy ride for some, a fortunate set of events for others and something in between for the rest. A scheme’s governance standards were key to how well they fared in this period of investment volatility.

Blinded by the lights: How Trustee Boards keep pension schemes efficient and secure is changing, but some things never change

3 Jul 2023


As cyber steals the headlines on pensions admin, how can trustee boards balance the urgent issues with the important to make sure they’re getting the best possible value and service from their third party administrator? See our thoughts on key areas for consideration to help maintain focus.

KEM 96 1

Katherine Milton

Senior Consultant
AC 335

Amanda Cullen

Senior Associate
KW 43 1

Katy Wilkinson

AB 78

Aliza Bashir

MH 550 1

Margs Harvey

Business Administrator
Muse heads March 591

Liza Sinclair

Senior Consultant

Robyn Cowan

ELR 359

Emma Rogers

Senior Consultant
LH 144 1

Lindsay Hawkins

TK 16 1

Tammy King

Head of People
BD 49 1

Becca Downing

CW 392

Claire Wallis

Antonella sferrino

Antonella Sferrino

KSM 515

Kate Maloney

Client Director
EE 1

Evalinde Eelens

Senior Associate
Muse heads March 579 Edit

Geoff Francis

Senior Consultant
Rosanne Corbett

Rosanne Corbett

KJ 123 1

Kneale Jefferis

IM 380

Ian McQuade

PV 530

Pamjit Virdi

ADC 28

Adrian Cooper

Head of Market Engagement
File 4

Paul Armitage

EB 180 1

Emma Beard

Senior Consultant

Cindy Dadier

Business Manager
BM 110 1

Barry Mack

RE 365

Reece Eley

SH 541

Steve Hammer

Trustee Secretary
HB 403

Hana Bailey

Senior Consultant
Mark dallaway

Mark Dallaway

Senior Associate
TO 397

Tom Oakley

Alan S 329

Alan Simpson

Financial Controller
JF 57 1

Jo Fellowes

HD 73 1

Hamida Dadd

DJ 323

Daniel Jacobson

Senior Consultant
Muse heads March 475

Robert Plumb

Senior Associate
DN 306

Danuta Nott

Business Support Manager

Helping Trustees and Companies to better govern their pension schemes

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